All full (7-day) boarding students whose parents do not reside in the UK require a guardian. This must be an adult over the age of 25, and not in full time education themselves, who resides permanently in the UK, and could be contactable in the event of an emergency. It is preferable that they reside within a couple of hours drive from the school, should they have to come in at short notice to collect your daughter.
If you have a family member or a close friend who could fulfil the guardianship responsibilities, this would suffice. Otherwise, you would need to source a guardian from an agency. Please contact the Admissions Team ( if you would like some information about guardianship agencies which we have had successful relationships with, in the past. Please be aware that guardianship agencies will likely come with their own costs – this would be an additional payment for you out of school fees.
Obtaining a guardian is your responsibility, and you will be required to submit a Guardianship Agreement Form prior to your daughter joining Marymount. If you are applying for a Child Student Visa please be aware that you will have to source a guardian in advance of your daughter’s visa being issued. Guardians will be contacted by the Boarding Team to confirm their identity and ensure they are aware of the requirements of the role.