Single Sex Education - Marymount International School London

Single Sex Education

One of the most important things you can give your daughter is self-confidence and self-belief – qualities that girls’ schools deliver in abundance.

Single sex education has been a hotly debated topic for many years. There are those who believe that it is discriminatory and that it limits girls’ opportunities to learn and interact with boys. However, there is also a growing body of research that suggests that single sex education does actually have a number of benefits for girls, both academically and socially.

Academic Benefits

One of the most well-documented benefits of single sex education is that it can lead to improved academic performance for girls. Studies have shown that girls in single sex schools tend to score higher on standardized tests than girls in coeducational schools. They are also more likely to take advanced courses and to go on to higher calibre educational institutions for their tertiary study.

There are a number of reasons why this might be the case. One possibility is that girls in single sex schools feel less pressure to conform to gender stereotypes. They are not as likely to be interrupted by boys or to have their ideas dismissed. This can give them the confidence to speak up and participate in class, which can lead to better academic outcomes.

Another possibility is that single sex schools offer a more tailored learning environment for girls. Teachers can focus on the specific needs of girls and can tailor their instruction accordingly. This can help girls to reach their full potential academically, which we find works in perfect harmony with the ethos of the IB programmes.

Social Benefits

Girls in single sex schools tend to be more confident and assertive. They are also more likely to have positive relationships with their teachers and with their peers.

They can feel more comfortable being themselves and expressing their opinions, which leads to a more positive and supportive learning environment.

Another reason is that single sex schools often offer more opportunities for leadership and mentorship for girls. Girls are encouraged to take on leadership roles and to be mentored by other successful women. This only helps them to develop the skills and confidence they need to succeed in life.


In addition to the academic and social benefits mentioned above, single sex education can also provide girls with a number of other benefits, including:

  • Increased self-esteem
  • Improved communication skills
  • Increased leadership skills
  • A greater sense of community
  • A more supportive learning environment

Girls’ schools minimise stereotyped, gender-weighted expectations. There is no such thing as a girl’s subject or a boy’s subject and girls are free to follow their inclinations with little of the pressure they might otherwise feel.

Whether a girl wants to be an astronaut, ambassador, author, or attorney, we really feel that girls need to know – not just think, but really know, deep down – that there’s nothing that can stand in their way. That’s the incredibly important message we send to our girls each and every day.

We believe that message, embedded in the nature of girls’ schools, provides powerful, relevant advantages and creates the best environments for girls to learn, grow and develop.

“I have developed new friendships that I know will continue beyond Marymount and have learnt that with all the young women in my grade it is important to love and respect each other. From this a community of love is formed that has immensely helped me and encouraged me throughout the IB Diploma programme.”


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