There are many ways to support Marymount; your time, talent and treasure are all appreciated in giving back and “paying it forward”. Whether by making a donation, leaving a gift in your will, or giving your time by volunteering for the School, you continue to strengthen the foundation of Marymount.
The easiest way to make a donation is to fill in our online form. Gifts of any size make a huge difference to what we can do at Marymount: thank you for your support!
A regular donation is the most valuable direct gift you can make to Marymount. Regular gifts enable the School and the Governing Board to make more concrete long-term plans for the future thanks a regular stream of philanthropic income on which we can depend for future projects. By making a one-off or regular donation, you are making a direct and immediate impact on the daily life of our students.
By giving over £100 a term, or £300 over a year (1st June to 31st May), you are eligible to enter the Marymount 100 Club!
Those who choose to remember the school in their Will continue to make a lasting generational impact on the education of bright and talented students.
If you intend on leaving the school a legacy or bequest, let us know if you feel comfortable doing so. Such a pledge does not bind you in any way, but it does allow us to thank you for your support, share pertinent school news with you, and invite you to relevant events.
If you would like to see how leaving a gift in your Will can help the school change lives, contact us and we can arrange to take you on a tour of the campus to show you how gifts maker an impact at Marymount.
US residents are able to make tax deductible donations in favour of Marymount International School by giving to the British Schools and Universities Foundation, Inc (‘BSUF’), which is a charitable organisation recognised by the US Internal Revenue Service under section 501(c)(3) of their Codes.
BSUF was founded more than 40 years ago to allow US residents to support British schools and universities in a tax efficient manner, and today supports more than 100 such institutions. Marymount International School is a member, allowing our supporters to receive full tax exemption on their gifts.
Donations can be made in a variety of different ways. Please note that donors are asked to express a ‘preference’ for Marymount International School, although such preferences are respected by the board of BSUF, the law requires all grants to be made at its sole discretion.