Making a Difference - Marymount International School London

Making a Difference

Philanthropy is essential to achieving the school’s mission, and we are very grateful to all those who so generously support the school with their time, talent and treasure. You are making a vital contribution to the future of global education and in particular at Marymount International School.

We hope that, amongst the pages of the Impact Report below, you will find stories that inspire, move and motivate. Being a Marymount student goes beyond graduation: it means living a life with purpose, curiosity and kindness.

As Sister Rosamund Blanchet, RSHM, so eloquently put it in her assembly in summer 2023, being human means taking part in a loop of grace. Grace, in the Christian sense, is understood as a generous unmerited gift or blessing given by God. Sr Rosamund reminded us that this grace only becomes fully active when we give this away, using our blessings for the good of others. When we do this, we demonstrate our capacity for love, empathy, care and compassion which in turn fosters this in others. Through your support, you have certainly continued this loop of grace, and for this we are incredibly grateful.

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